American Imperialism is working to undermine the Iranian Bourgeoisie's influence within the Middle East. This is why the Yemini government armd forces; the Saudi Air Force; and American air forces are carrying out airstrikes on various rebels in northern and eastern Yemen. That is very dangerous because the Iranian Bourgeoisie has strategic interests in these parts of Yemen which they warned Saudi Arabia not to undermine when they initiated airstrikes two or three months ago. In the last fortnight the Houti rebels in northern Yemen have claimed that American bombers bombed 25 targets (sorties) in a few hours of air strikes. US's Imperialisms' strategic objectives is to dominate the Middle East and the Horn of Africa. There are vital natural resources which they want increased ownership of.
As I noted nearly a year ago in polemicising against those on the left who broke principles of class independence from Bourgeois politicians by advocating a vote for Obama that due to the worse crisis of American Capitalism/Imperialism it could not be ruled out further military adventures. A qualifcation which I stated then limiting their ability to do this is that the Neo-Cons had done so much damage to Capitalism that it played into the hands of a rising world revolution and rapid radicalisation within the Imperialist countries. It will take time for Liberal Bourgeois elements in America to reverse this damage.
The dialetics of history with abrupt changes in history surprises even farseeing Marxists. It is absolutely increditable that with the extreme racism of American Capitalism that a radicalisation the biggest since the Roosevelt era would throw up a Afro American Bourgeois Populist to contain it. Astute Liberal Bourgeois strategists used Roosevelt and Obama to contain two major radicalisation within the confines of Bourgeois politics. One major difference between these Liberal Bourgeois Populists is that American Imperialism is at a different stage of development. Roosevelt represented the rise of American Imperialism as a major power despite the threat of Socialist revolution due to the hardships of 1930s depression. By salvaging American Capitalism until World War 2 he helped them to develop as a citidal of world Capitalism. This laid the basis for the 1948-1973 boom which enabled American Capitalism to buy off large numbers of American workers off.
Obama represents the decline of American Imperialism as Capitalism begins to enter its worse crisis. The decline of American Imperialism started with losing a war in Vietnam. American Imperialism failed to restore Capitalism in Russia with Yeltsin losing out in 2000. Trotsky's analysis of how unstable the Russian Bureaucracy is as a caste can be seen by changes in personell at the top even now. Putin and Medivev represents different Bureaucratic factions. One thing is sure the Bureaucrats opposed to Capitalist restoration will not tolerate from Medivev what they out of weakness accepted from Yeltsin. The failure to restore Capitalism in Russia was decisive in influncing Eastern Europe. If Russia had gone Capitalist, it would probally led to a similar development very quickly in those countries as well. Compounding that defeat American Imperialism was losing two major wars under Bush and a depression began a year or 18 months before Obama came to power.
Losing these two wars; the beginning of a depression; and the human right abuses which exposed American Imperialism for what it was really like caused one of the biggest radicalisations in American history. One major domestic refom Obama has conceded to mass pressures is the beginning of a very limited health service. There are paraells with this and the 1906 reforms forced out of a Liberal party government when they won a landslide general election victory. Both Trotsky and a Tory Prime Minister Arthur Balfour agreed this landslide was caused by a revolutionary upheaval spreading westwards from a revolution during 1905 within Russia. The purpose of Liberal reforms was to stop the Labour Party formed in 1906 from growing, and to contain any revolutionary threat. That Liberal Bourgeois strategy failed due to World War 1 horrors, and the impact of Russia's October 1917 revolution which saw Social Democratic governments in Britain for the first time. Those reforms from 1906 the British Ruling Class were forced to deepen after Labour's 1945 landslide victory to contain a revolutionary threat. Trotsky's statements during 1938 that the workers organisational break from Bourgeois politics may bypass a mass Social Democratic party straight to a mass revolutionary party which overthrows Capitalism is possible due to a similar acute Capitalist crisis.
Obama is going to find it hard to repair the damage to the global image of American Imperialism due to the crude barabarism of the Neo-Cons crimes! This is why American Imperialism is making concessions to the Russian and Chinese Bureaucracies in order to contain revolutionary challenges threatening world Capitalism. Last September I failed to realise this would slow down Cold War tensions because until a deal was made on American missiles not being located in Poland and the Czech republic was done to incorporate them to stop the rise of world revolution it seemed tennsions were rising. If Obama carries out any adventures in Latin America or Iran this could sharpen up tensions with these two Workers' states again which could escalate. This could be a pretext for hardline Stalinists to purge Medievev.
Obama has repeated Bush's mistakes in encircling Venezulea and Cuba. This could deepen the revolutionary process in Latin America as it is harder for American Imperialism to make deals with Bourgeois Nationalists; Social Democrats; and elements of Castroism. The pro-Imperialist regime in Yemen is being threatend by three different rebel groups from three major regions of that country. That is why the Saudi and American air forces are bombing two lots of rebels in northern and eastern Yemen in an attempt to prop that regime up. There are elements within the American ruling class who believe this can only happen by them stepping up this bombing. If there is any danger of this happening it is vital the anti-war movement organises mass protests because a war could lead to two regional wars involving Iran to Eritera in the Horn of Africa; against Saudi Arabia. If two regional wars fuse this is the most serious threat to world peace since 1945. Any deepening of a American Imperialist adventure in Yemen the pro-Imperialist regime there could be overthrown and the Saudi monaracy could also suffer a similar fate. This is indicated by the Houtas gaining Saudi terriotory. Once the American masses have been broken in illusions in Obama Trotskyists should start a camapign for him to resign.
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