Friday, 20 May 2011

A reply to David P.A.'s sectarian line on Spanish Youth protests against unempoyment! (sent to Marxmail)

David P.A. misunderstands the main dynamic of radicalization of middle class layers breaking from the Popular Party in Spain and linking up with working class youth in occupying Madrid and other major Spanish cities. David’s reaction is one of the most sectarian attitudes I have seen for a long time and fatal for any revolutionary to implement.

There maybe a tiny element of Conservative Bourgeois manoeuvring to undermine Social Democracy by calling them voting for other parties. No Bourgeois layer would support the beginning of what could be the beginning of a challenge to Bourgeois rule which could potentially deepen with the unemployed already setting up committees to distribute food; administer their own communications; and meeting every evening to decide how to run the occupation of public spaces.

As Trotsky said in the early 1920s in the particular phrase of the epoch revolutionaries have to be ready to move in rapid changes. What’s unfolding now is the greatest ferment in history. The middle class are moving to the left in a whole number of semi-Colonies and Imperialist countries. Tunisia and Egypt has influenced the radicalization within the Imperialist countries. It has shown the possibility of revolutionary change if millions of workers and their allies come onto the streets.

There are whole layers of Spanish middle class youth breaking from the Conservative Bourgeois Popular Party and Social Democracy. They are following working class youth who are not organized by the labour movement who started protesting last Sunday. The street protests last Sunday changed mass psychology of both classes who felt powerless now feel several hours later they can effect major changes to their circumstances. This is a very important development. Trotskyists have to support and deepen a possible revolutionary process. At the same time we have to argue within the movement for them to win over millions of workers organized in Trade Unions and breaking them politically from Social Democracy and Stalinism.

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