Friday, 26 August 2011

A few remarks about Argentinian PTS Morenoite group showing film of Trotsky based on a novel of Trotsky overthrowing Stalinism with Political Revolution!

This is a PTS video! (who are a Morenoite group) in Argentina). I have lost touch with the Morenotes and Lambertists. It seems an impressive film about how the Political Revolution could unfold in Russia. Even if it posed as a historic novel about Trotsky leading it and overthrowing Stalin. I do not know the PTS line on the workers' states. As the pre-Barnes American SWP leadership used to say if they promoting a process which they do not see applicable today it's their contradiction!

Last week there was an article within the Economist calling the Putin presidency as a neo-Soviet regime weakening the Capitalist elements promoted by Yeltsin. This could be a conscious move by Imperialist Bourgeoisies if Putin gets the Presidency back to launch a new Cold War. They can no longer pretend the left is historically finished which they tried to make out after 1989. Due to the upturn of the world revolution they cannot hide the rise of the left but if they concede the truth about Russia it will lead to a new balance of forces on the left of what its class character is.

I was re-reading Trotsky the other week on the rise of German Fascism and his tactic of a united front with Social Democracy to defeat Hitler. The key point I picked up glancing at those documents again was Trotsky utilized every contradiction and opportunity to show workers their power. Russia's working class will not put up with the extent of Bureaucratic pillage and major Capitalist inroads under Yeltsin. This could be seen by the mass workers protests against monetization of social benefits during 2004-05. This potential mobilization of the Russian working class moving in the direction of Political Revolution with social consequences is only possible due to the defeat of Yeltsin’s wing of the Bureaucracy between 1998 and 2000.

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