Sunday, 15 March 2009

The anti-War movement needs to oppose Western war on North Korea!

American Imperialism has tried to increase pressure on the North Korean Bureaucracy to make concessions towards them or face increased isolation and pressure. The North Korean Bureaucracy being based on a Workers' state will not tolerate the kind of concessions which Iraq was forced into to avoid Gulf War 2. This Bureaucracy in North Korea has made clear that it will fight rather than restore Capitalism.

The anti-war movement should oppose American or Japan shooting down a North Korean satalite! It is not clear whether Imperialism will shoot it down which might lead to North Korea miltiary attacking South Korea, which may lead to Imperialism bonbing North Korea. This could lead to increased tensions with the Russian and Chinese Workers' States raising the danger of World War 3. China's economic power could be utilised to stop Imperialism. The anti-war movement should start organsing against a shooting down of a North Korean satalite, which increases the pressure on Imperialism not to provoke North Korea into a war!

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