Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Dangerous Imperialist provoation by Imperialism against Sudan!

The material I have been reading around the indicment against Sudan's President shows this is a dangerous provocation which could escalate into a major war. Yestersday the UN Peacekeeper command in Darfur issued a statement stating that they are staying regardless despite tensions being increased with Sudan.

Could Imperialism attempting to provoke the Sudanese armed forces into attacking UN forces?, which could then be used as a pretext to bomb Sudan. Two main motivations for Imperialism to carry out an adventure against Sudan is to gain more oil and to try to weaken the Chinese Workers' State influene which is growing rapidly in Africa due to their huge infrastucture projects. Imperialism may go after Sudan thinking they are an easier miltiary target than counties such as Iran. The Chinese Workers' State intervening with their African infrastructure projects is a major threat to Imperialism becuase despite their Opportunist policy to prop up Bourgeois Natalionalist regimes are beginning to seriously weaken Imperialist super-exploitation of Africa. Imperialism may decide to gamble a war to weaken China because they rather go down with a fight than risk losing billions more which could aggravate the depression.

Trotskyists should support Sudan against Imperialism against an attempt to re-impose Colonialism if war breaks out. Those on the left who wrongly charaterise China as China "Imperialist" have a problem if the Chinese Workers' State is dragged into the Sudan war. Will they dump defence of Sudan if China arms them or goes to war with Imperialism in Sudan. Trotskyists would support China arming Sudan and if China intervenes miltiary to support assistance to a semi-Colony fighting Imperialism. The main tasks of Trotskyists would be to build up mass movements internationally to stop the war before China is drawn in miltiary which reduces the danger of a Third World War breaking out.

If Imperialism embarks on such an adventure it would be the worst mistake since war on Iraq launched in 2003. The Sudanese regime in the last few months has hinted that Darfur and southern Sudan civil war could reignite. Bourgeois Nationalists in Sudan have hugh influence in Chad and other neighbouring countries. Africa could explode in revolutionary upheavals against the attempt to re-impose Imperialism. If a war breaks out tensions could massively increase between China and Imperialism. There are dangers of regional wars in Afria escalating and if China is drawn in miltiary a Third World War cannot be ruled out.

The demands of the anti-war movement should be oppositon to any Western war against Sudan and immeadiate withdrawl of Western armed forces from the Sudanese region! If tensions escalate the biggest anti-war movement could be potentially built in Britain since 2003 opposed to Western intervention. If Imperialism mis-calculates this could lead to a deepening of world revolution against Imperialism and Capitalism.

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