Monday, 21 February 2011

Answer to Thornett's capitulatiory line on Blairite and Right Wing Social Democratic Labour Councillers!

Thornett makes another major right-wing turn!

Thornett is capitulating to the right wing Social Democrats in not posing demands on not to implement the Tory-Lib Dem cuts. The pessimistic rationale that the workers are at a lower stage of struggle than the 1980s is a wrong assessemt and such conservatvism is always the hallmarks of Trade Union and Social Democratic Bureaucracies. Remember what Cannon said about the Cochanites!

In reality there are potentially millions of workers and layers of the middle class can be mobilized as the Conservative Bourgeois elements are not leaving them any way out. Trotsky said one of the conditions for revolution is that the masses have no way out. The Independent said on Sunday that there could be the same size demonstration during March 26th as the stop the Iraq war march on February 15th 2003. Trade Union Bureaucrats are being forced to organize it due to mass pressures building up.

Thornett is classicaly insular not seeing how the revolutioanry upheavals in Tunisia and Egypt could impact on Britain. You, Thornett are commiting political suicide with the radialising youth and millions of workers, combined with the middle class who want the labour movement to fight. The publication of your new book on the 1960s and 1970s with your line of not posing demands on labour councillers is a left cover for capitulating to the labour bureaucrats. Ralphie who I will have no relations becasue of his line on Sheridan makes correct criticisms of Thornett from the left on calling on Social Democrats to fight cuts because otherwise mass despair will set in. Due to a middle and working class radicalization I have been writing on my blog the Fascists have been marganlized over the past 12 months.

If Social Democray betrays this radicalization Fascism could become a greater threat with middle class despair effecting the Lumpenproletariat. Your ultra-leftism from 1995 played into the hands of the BNP due to not challenging Blairism effectively and not participating in millions of workers experiences with Social Democracy so a revolutioanry leadership is forged. Then you strengthened the FN in the medium-term with your opportunist turn on supporting right wing Bourgeois politician: Chirac. Two years ago I-read Trotsky’s “Whither France” and Daniel Guerin’s “Fascism and Big Business” where they correctly argued that voting for Bourgeois candidates is supporting Capital pauperizing the middle class.

Thornett’s new capitulatory turn on right wing Social Democratic or even Blairite Councilers will have the disastrous effects I have mentioned. The radicalization is so big they will not get away with it. The Social Democrats and Liberal Bourgeoisie will not sit around and allow the revolutionaries to gain a mass base. Trotsky made this point at the 3rd world congress of the Comintern against Ultra-Lefts who believed Social Democracy could be outmanouvred easily. Thornett is using formalistic arguments about the weakness of the Trade Union left compared to the 1980s and downplays possibility of even bigger mass struggles which could break out. In May 2007 on my blog I predicted the ruling class could be so crude having so many victories go so far it could reverse their sucesses by dialectically turning into its opposite of causing mass upheavals. Since the May 2010 general election there is a mass middle and working class youth radicaliazation; Social Democracy is strengthening their position within the Labour Party; and could be mass workers demonstrations and strikes.

In France the Bourgeois media are suggesting the FN could reach the 2nd round of the Presidental election during April 2012. This is premature as the rise of world revoluton could marginlize them again. The ex-LCR’s capitulation to Popular Front pressures on Chirac led to the middle class to lose confidence in them which led to the rise of Sarkozy. Now with him in crisis Fascism is re-emerging as a major danger due to the middle class having no confidece in ex-LCR!

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