Thursday, 10 February 2011

Plans for documents/books which I publish at whatever stage I at am one/two days prior to British TUC demonstration!


1. In defence of class independence.

This document will look at how class independence principles; methods; strategies; and politics developed through Marx and Engels; the fight by Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg against Social Democratic opportunism; Trotsky’s fight against Stalinist Popular Frontism.

The document will deal with how the programme of class independence is applied today:-

1) Why Trotskyists do not vote for Liberal Bourgeois parties such as the Lib Dems and Liberal Bourgeois Liberal candidates such as Obama. United Fronts Trotskyists can have with Social Democrats to drive out remainder of Bourgeois New Labour faction out of the Labour Party. American SWP line when they wrote a Transitional Programme for Afro American liberation for correct slogan “Black control of the black community!”

2) Why it is in the interest of workers to unconditionally defend the Colonial revolution against Imperialism; and defend workers’ states against Capitalist restorationist forces, and threat of Imperialist military attack. Why Chinese workers’ state despite ruled by Stalinist Bureaucratic caste and limited Capitalist inroads is an alternative to Capitalism. At the same time Trotskyists fight for our programme of Permanent Revolution within the semi-Colonies and Political Revolution against what remains of the Stalinist Bureaucratic Castes.

3) An analysis of the contradictory class forces in the Egyptian revolutionary upheaval. Middle class revolt which Tunisian and Egyptian workers took advantage of. Manoeuvres of Liberal Bourgeois elements such as ElBardi and Conservative Bourgeois Muslim Brotherhood. If Mubarak resigns workers strikes and mobilization decisive over the last three or four days.

2. Analysis of Egyptian revolution will cover similar themes as Class independence document but in more extensive detail.

3. Historic tendencies which led to eruption of World War 1. How these tendencies evolved to the current day?

1) How the revolutionary wave starting from Russia in 1905-09 delayed World War 1.

2) Roots of Italian and French Fascism before World War 1. Role of Sorrel.

3) Despite Stalinism workers’ states show superiority over Capitalism.

4) Lessons of Trotsky’s fight against Stalinism within the Soviet Union. Battle in Cuba against Stalinist pressures which revolutionary Castroists have fought such as the execution of Escalante during 1968 and Rectification beginning in the late 1980s. A programme for revolutionary tendency within Cuban CP which Trotskyists would support against Capitalist pressures which the economic reforms shifting a million workers out of the public sector and moves by Stalinists to crystallize a more hardened caste. Themidor (political counter-revolution necessary for Stalinists to win) would require massacre of layers of the revolutionary Castroists.

5) The upturn in world revolution since Yeltsinites were kicked out of power in Russia during 2000; the semi-Colonial masses rising up against poverty imposed by Imperialism which has carried on despite Imperialism taking advantage of crisis within Eastern European workers’ states after 1989; Imperialism losing Afghanistan and Iraqi war; and why the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions signify a new upturn which will deepen the process of radicalization within the Imperialist countries.

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