Thursday, 21 April 2011

What student protests against Royal wedding represents? (A radicalization but fight Anarchist Ultra-Left tactics to win masses to overthrow the Monarchy!)


The deepening radicalization of the middle class youth within Britain is deepening over calling for a republic is a sign of them really moving leftwards which could potentially influence millions of workers in a revolutionary direction. This has to be starting point for Trotskyists. We will have major tactical disputes especially with the Anarchists over moving prematurely which could play into the British state’s hands of losing democratic rights.

Tactics are important. The state is going to be fully prepared for any protests a week on Friday. Unless you have a mass reaction in support of anti-wedding protests it may seriously weaken the struggle for a republic. Trotskyists while recognising the importance of this middle class radicalization also understand if they make major tactical mistakes it could demoralize them and positive moves towards mass action could reverse into despair. That is one sort of mistake to avoid.

Another major mistake would be conservative with a small c and not recognise we are not in normal times. If the state overplays its hands the masses reaction is unpredictable. The best tactical way of handling massive police repression is that the state is attacking democratic rights to protest. By doing this you are trying to win the masses over. This process of radicalization through those sort of correct tactics as millions of workers and sizeable middle class elements go into struggle to defend our material conditions against Capital’s attempts to seriously erode them is the best way to bring them into struggle against the ruling class.

I am preparing a longer document of how Marxists have developed their strategies and tactics in the past of how to link the anti-Monarchy struggles to combine it with a Socialist revolution.

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