Saturday, 30 April 2011

Why Manouvres of Royal Wedding has largely failed!


The British Royal wedding reflects two major contradictions within Britain’s Aristocracy and Conservative Bourgeois elements. On the one hand and this is why other ruing class layers are trying to do is salvage the Monarchy. If the British Monarchy was overthrown in a revolutionary upheaval in the context of the North African and Middle East uprisings could deepen the world revolution. This is the motivation behind Astronauts sending live greetings to the wedding. By populist demagogy of Aristocrats loving anybody the Monarchy are trying to salvage themselves.

The ruling class snobbery was on display. This was so obvious that columnists in Conservative Bourgeois publications such as the Mail and Telegraph makes criticisms of the upper Aristocratic titles given; that Monarchy looks outdated because they cannot explain the relevance of tradition; and that black people were sidelined during the wedding ceremony. These criticisms are from Conservative Bourgeois publications who are the biggest backers of Monarchy. This is because the Monarchy so blatantly reinforcing ruling class privileges that they are making themselves and their wing of the ruling class venerable to serious challenge.

Fay Schlessinger in an article in today’s Mail quotes middle class elements who were upset she got a Duchess rather than a Princess. Britain’s middle class is like all classes are in its worse crisis due to the global crisis of Capitalism. Their crisis manifests itself both socially and as individuals. Trotsky argued in periods like this mass and individual psychology can turn into its dialectical opposite rapidly. Layers of the middle class are drawing conclusions that can only survive by fighting the ruling class. There are some middle class elements who think they can marry into the Aristocracy. Schlesinger’s motivation for Middleton receiving princess and not Duchess is that it sends an insensitive message to this layer that very few of them will be accepted and will use it to entrench the ruling class particularly against the lower middle class.

Utopian dreams like this of considerable middle class as individuals marrying into the ruling class will not last for long. Even among that layer there are some of them saying they are minions. This was the middle class slogan during the 1960s when they rebelled (they are on Mandel videos which I posted on my Facebook in the last few days). Liberal Bourgeois publications like the Guardian are terrified that those middle class elements radicalizing could influence millions of workers.

Already according to Aljazeera 10 million people in Britain want the Monarchy overthrown. Even Conservative Bourgeois Telegraph columnist Charles Moore says that tradition maybe challenged. He expressed worry in his article that BBC Historian Simon Schama and BBC host Huw Edwards could not offer any effective defence of Constitutional Monarchy while they were commenting on the live wedding. Trotsky said in his preface to “History of the Russian Revolution” that until periods of major crisis like now outdated institutions lasting hundreds or thousands of years can survive. In times of revolutionary upheaval they can be swept away in weeks and months. We are already seen the beginning of this process in Tunisia and Egypt. It was the middle class who rebelled in both countries which led to the workers entering centre stage challenging those ruling classes.

Behind these criticisms of the Monarchy is the fear among the ruling class were alienating sizeable middle class layers. There could behind the scenes a civil war going on within the ruling class between the Liberal Bourgeois and Conservative Bourgeois/Aristocratic wings. A glimpse of this is in Polly Toynbee’s article in the Guardian when she argues that the ruling class elements most determined to implement cuts were out in force at the wedding. She said Cameron saw this as an effective way to promote his “Big Society” policies. The Guardian and Independent are making criticisms of the Monarchy in order to control middle class elements radicalizing. Liberal Bourgeois publications such as the Mirror are more openly pro-Monarchist because they think millions of workers are not yet beginning to organize against the Monarchy.

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