Sunday, 21 August 2011

Left recomposition on Libya!

Gerry Downing is correct that the groups who supported the rebels or were openly pro-Imperialist military intervention such as AWL and SP minority will go through a massive crisis. They will go into crisis regardless of how the Libyan war goes with either pro-Imperialist rebel forces being driven out of Tripoli or Imperialism oust Gaddafi could embolden Imperialism to go further into other adventures. If Imperialism is defeated it will strengthen the radicalization within the Imperialist countries with those factions within the Centrist groups under Imperialist countries paying the price for supporting the wrong side. If dangers of a third world war become more obvious with dangers of nuclear suicide the workers and middle classes within the Imperialist countries will want it stopped. In that situation those who were openly pro-Imperialist or pro-Libyan rebels will be seen to assist that process of allowing Imperialism to go further down the road to a Third World War. The Libyan War has to be seen in an international context of Capitalist crisis which is forcing Imperialism to attempt re-Colonizing the semi-Colonies and overthrow the workers' states. If Imperialism is not stopped in its adventures a Third World War could break out.

Downing has spelled out correctly what will happen if Imperialism wins out in Libya in terms of massive privatization and women rights being dramatically worsened under Sharia law. Downing has kept the continuity of Trotskyism on most aspects of semi-Colonies. In 1994 he broke with Trotskyism by being opportunist when he supported calling for a vote to a Bourgeois party: - the ANC.

On the workers' states he has abandoned Trotskyism completely with him giving up battle within Russia before it is really beginning. Cannon said in "The struggle for a Proletarian Party" that it is the worse crime to give up defence of workers' states when the struggle against Capitalist restoration is in the balance. Downing argues Russia and China are "Imperialist powers". This is a break from Permanent Revolution which Trotskyists argue that if Capitalism is restored in either Russia or China would be dismembered as semi-Colonies.

I have just read Andy Pollack submission to Marxmail. He is completely wrong to say Imperialism played no role in Tripoli fighting. According to Russia Today NATO has not relented bombing Tripoli over the last 48 hours for even two seconds. Pollack does not see the pro-Imperialist character of rebels. This concillationist and capitulatioin to now pro-Imperialist forces by American Socialist Action leadership has its roots in them supporting the KLA in Kosovo when they were fighting with Imperialism to overthrow the workers’ states in what remained of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY – Serbia and Montenegro).and supporting pro-Imperialist Kurds when they fought with US/British Imperialism during the 2003 Iraq war.

1 comment:

Gerdowning said...

If you are serious about Trotskyist regroupment/recomposition email me on

The ANC in 1994 was not simply bourgeois nationalist but also seen as those who overthrew Apartheid. It was a one off vote for that liberation election and once that was over the Comrades for a Workers Government (now the Revolutionary Marxist Group) never called for a vote for the ANC again. And I think there were many deep problems with the US SWP before 1939
Comradely Gerry Downing