Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Supplementary comments to document on dangers of World War 3 by Anthony Brain if Capitalist crisis gets further out of control!

(These are supplementary comments to document on Capitalist crisis and how it could unleash forces if it gets out of control and not stopped leading to a third world war! based on developments I read and heard last night)

The Xinhua article makes crystal clear what the Israeli ruling class and American Imperialism is aiming if Palestine declares independence. They are obviously planning for full-scale war in West Bank; Gaza; Arab parts of Israel; and on Lebanese and Syrian border with cameras attached to Israeli armed forces in those areas. American Imperialism by using Israel wants to gain more natural resources by provoking wars with Lebanon and Syria. Due to anti-war feelings in America they could not directly do it themselves. Both American Imperialism and Israeli ruling class fear the mass movement for housing and support for Palestinians with the tent protests in Israel. Whipping up hostility to the Arabs may serve their purposes to derail that mass movement. Why has the Chinese Bureaucracy let this information out? They may be alarmed at the instability American Imperialism could cause. Another major factor is that if American Imperialism dominates the Middle East they will use increased oil ownership to increase pressure on the Chinese Bureaucracy through increased encirclement to make further inroads into that workers’ state.

There cannot be ruled out a last minute pulling back on independence by the Palestinian Authority. That is very unlikely. On Newsnight (a 45 minute news programme on British TV) last night mentioned that the Palestinian Authority will submit their independence call tonight or tomorrow at the UN. I noticed on Xinhua news agency that a Qatar representative is quoted saying that Palestine has not submitted recognition claim to UN yet.

In another important article Xinhua gives a statistical breakdown of how Turkish Imperialism is gaining further ownership and profitable investments within Egypt. Erdogan (Turkish Prime Minister) is in Egypt at least for two days to finalize trade and business agreements. Yesterday Erdogan met Egyptian Prime Minister whose name is Essam Sharaf to agree increasing trade volume from currently three billion dollars to five billion dollars. Co-operation was agreed in technology; communication; petroleum; and natural resources. Finally there was agreement for Turkish companies to invest in Egyptian textiles; clothes; tourism; food industries; and chemicals. Turkish industrial zones will increase. There will be considerable Turkish Imperialist investments in tourism; transportation; and energy sectors. Today Erdogan will meet with Sharaf alongside 200 Egyptian business representatives to finalize contracts. Sections of Egyptian Bourgeoisie are moving in Turkish Imperialism’s orbit because they get a slight more ownership of their economy by allying with them against American Imperialism.

On Newsnight last night there was a serious discussion about Greece leaving the Euro. There is a big battle within the German Ruling Class over what to do. It was revealed on that programme whatever decision is made in the next day or two could determine the Euro’s future. Sections of the German Ruling Class who think Greece will inevitably default on its debt which will lead to a bigger crisis for German banks. By bringing it to a head they believe they can limit the damage. Another equally important faction fears that if Greece defaults it would lead to a Lehman Brothers type collapse on German Banks. Merkel will find it a hard struggle to get rescue package for Greece through the German parliament. This was indicated by Newsnight interviewing Merkel’s chief whip. A British bank representative argued on that programme that whatever happens in Greece it would adversely affect British banks.

Capitalism is in crisis on every level. This creates the objective conditions for world revolution. The problem is that masses within the Imperialist countries do not see the dangers of a full scale Middle East war which Israel will use Palestinian declaration of independence as a pretext to start. When the danger sinks in there could be mass anger. The Stop the War Coalition should raise the dangers of what Israel is doing to stop any major war, If it cannot be stopped they should move to build a mass movement out of anger and fear of it escalating into a third world war.

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