Thursday, 15 September 2011

Letter to British Socialist Action on a David Fennell article on Libya

It is rare I agree with a British Socialist Action article. The article on Libya published on September 1st 2011 by David Fennell (except for one difference and another possible difference – which I deal with later) is an outstanding theoretical article especially those quotes from Lenin about science of totality and applies it well to Libyan situation. Fennel’s article demolishes the SWP and Counterfire and shows their anti-Marxist method.

Does Socialist Action support the Permanent Revolution? I was wondering about that because a few months ago when I glanced an article on your website which only talked about Lenin on the Colonial revolution and never mentioned Trotsky. What’s missing in Fennel’s article is mention of Permanent Revolution’s method. Fennel is correct to have a military united front with Gaddafi to defeat Imperialism. Within this framework Trotskyists fight for workers to lead the anti-Imperialist struggle in the direction of Socialist revolution.

I fundamentally disagree that Mao was a Revolutionary Marxist. He was always a Stalinist protecting Bureaucratic privileges first based on a party in the workers movement (Chinese Communist Party) and when he overthrow Capitalism during 1950 established a bureaucratic caste which still rules.

I am not sure about your criticism of the SWP and Counterfire on Britain. They are both Ultra-Left and Opportunist. On a lot of questions I consider your positions as opportunist. Despite these differences we should work together to build a united front to stop Imperialist war on Libya.

Anthony Brain

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