Sunday, 16 October 2011

Why I am writing a book on the Dialetical unity of the Sciences?

o I am studying the natural sciences in order to write a book on the dialectical unity of the Sciences; and show the application of Dialectical Materialism and Law of Uneven and combined Development! I am researching the three theories of how the early universe was formed and developed. One of the things I learned watching Brian Cox's "Wonders of the Universe" TV series which was on BBC 2 this year is that Oxygen could not form without Hydrogen. This shows life could not emerge on Earth without those Cosmological-chemical changes. Is it true protons was one of the first materials that developed in the early universe? Did it precede Atoms? Did Atoms take later to form because they were more complex than Protons?
o One of the main reasons I am writing this book on the Dialectics of the Sciences is to explore why it took billions of years before life could develop and compare it socially with the culmination now in the worse Capitalist crisis of the struggle to abolish class society. It is no accident that it is now being determined whether humanity survives by overthrowing world Capitalism.
o On another level it is no accident that the greatest Scientific achievements are still going ahead. As Trotsky would say it is this historic dialectic of these social contradictions being worked out with all their complexities and subtleties. In other words it is the dialectical interplay of necessity and chance. The role of Marxism as Trotsky and Cannon would say is to give a conscious expression to these processes and push it in the direction of world revolution. Once Trotskyism has established world Socialism the mass of humanity will have chances to study all Sciences which enable them to deal with natural disasters; explore into space more extensively; and consciously deal with most situations.

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